Purchasing Investments

Deciding on the proper time to purchase a security that you would like to add to your holdings can be a daunting task. If the price drops immediately after you buy, it may seem as if you missed out on a better buying opportunity. If the price jumps right before you make your move, you may feel as if you paid too much. As it turns out, you should not let these small fluctuations influence your decision too much. As long as the fundamentals that led you to decide on the purchase have not changed, a few points in either direction should not have a large impact on the long-term value of your investment.

The proper time to buy a security is quite simply when it is available for less than its actual value. These undervalued securities are actually not as rare as they sound. However, the problem is simply that they are never sure bets. The value of a security includes estimates of the future performance of factors underlying the value of the security. For stocks, these factors include things like earnings growth and market share. Changes can be predicted to a degree, but they are subject to fluctuation due to forces both within and beyond the control of the company.

How to Purchase Investments

After you decide which investments you want to purchase, you have to decide how you want to purchase them. For example, you must decide whether you want a full-service broker or, for online investing, either a premium discount broker who offers online trades and advice or a discount broker that only executes your trades and doesn’t offer any recommendations.

See also  Unraveling Stock Brokerage Fees: What You Need to Know

Check out our recommended brokerage firms to help you get started on the right track. Don’t just sign up for some random or popular brokerage company, as many will charge you high and unnecessary fees and other hidden charges.

Investment Buying Tips

You may want to participate in an automatic investment plan (AIP). With your approval, this type of plan automatically deducts a certain amount from your checking account to purchase mutual funds, savings bonds, or other investments.

One way to avoid the hassles of deciding when to buy altogether is to practice dollar-cost averaging. This strategy advocates investing a fixed dollar amount at regular intervals. The price when you first invest is relatively unimportant (as long as the fundamentals are sound) because you will be purchasing shares at a different price each time you buy. The success of your investment then lies not with short-term fluctuations, but with the long-term movement of the value of the security.

* View the next investment advice for building your own stock market online information system:

>> Monitoring Investments

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