
  • Bulls Vs Bears

    Terminology used by stock brokers and Wall Street insiders tends to be rather complicated what with jargon such as margins, small cap, and indices, it can be difficult to tell what the devil these people are talking about. Still, the most basic of stock market terms, “bull” and “bear,” date back to the 19th century…

  • What is Investing All About?

    “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” – Lau Tzu No matter the current stage of your life, the direction you are heading or what the future holds for you, investing will be a key factor in developing both your financial security and your financial freedom. Whether you are purchasing a house, a…

  • Where do I Start?

    “In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later” -Harold Green One of the greatest flaws of inexperienced investors make is to spend too little time planning and monitoring their investments, yet expect a fantastic return on them at a future date.…

  • How Do I Set Investment Goals?

    In setting your investment goals, your AGE is a very important factor. The age of an investor is usually positively correlated (moves in a positive or same direction) with the type of investments they will commit to. This means that as you get closer to your retirement, you will typically move away from investments that have…

  • Investor’s Checklist

    6 Quick Rules for Successful Stock Investing Successful investing depends on personal discipline, not on whether the crowd agrees or disagrees with you. That’s why it’s crucial to have a solid well-grounded investing philosophy. Don’t buy a stock unless you understand the business inside and out. Taking the time to investigate a company before you…