
  • Tax Lien Investing

    Putting your money in the right financial institution or investment is not that easy. You need to study not only the best but stable investment so that your money will not be in vain. One of the big businesses in terms of investment nowadays is the tax lien investment. This type of investment is to…

  • Cash Flow Statement Format

    Understanding how you make and present any kind of financial statement is one way to show the correct figures and be able to easily determine whatever may be happening on the accounting part of your company. In the cash of making a cash flow statement format, you must be able to point out the agendas…

  • Equity Indexed Annuities

    When buying annuities, several things must be considered including what type of annuity would be best for you. There are two main types of annuities: variable annuities and fixed annuities. A fixed annuity would give you a stable income when retirement rolls around in exchange for an upfront payment of principal. Fixed annuities are kind…

  • Immediate Annuity

    When annuities first became available, a single premium immediate annuity was more popular than other kinds of annuities. Immediate annuity rates were the primary concern rather than rates for the now more preferred, yet more complicated, deferred annuity. An immediate annuity is simpler, needing only one lump sum payment to qualify for periodic income payments…

  • Charitable Gift Annuity

    A charitable gift annuity is a transaction wherein an individual ‘donates’ cash, marketable securities, and other sorts of assets to a charitable organization in exchange for fixed annuity payments to one or two annuitants. These annuitants may be anyone but is often the ‘donor’ themselves. The transferred cash will be readily accessible to the charity…

  • Annuities Pros and Cons

    So you’ve got a several other retirement funds already waiting in the wings like and IRA, a 401K, or maybe even both. However, you want to do something else with your money and you’ve heard of annuities. When deciding whether to enter a particular venture or not, annuities are not different from how you would…

  • Annuities Explained

    Have you ever had annuities explained to you? Learning about annuities can be very confusing and hard to understand.  Let’s make it super simply to understand by starting off with just the basics. Annuities are financial products sold by insurance companies and are usually intended for eventual retirement. Insurance companies provide people who buy annuities with payments…