Qwoter Investment Advice
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CommodityAny bulk good traded on an exchange or in the cash market; examples include metals, grains, and meats. ...
Common GapA trading gap, or space between one day’s close and the next day’s opening price, which occurs periodically and not necessarily as part of a ...
Common Stock RatioThe percentage that common stockholders' equity reduced by intangible assets bears to total tangible capitalization (the sum of shareholders' equity and long-term debt reduced by ...
Compound ReturnThe return on investment (ROI) including reinvested dividends used to purchase additional partial shares, so that each quarter’s dividend return is based on a greater ...
Confidentiality AgreementA confidentiality agreement (CA) is a legally binding contract between the target and each prospective buyer that governs the sharing of confidential company information. The ...
Consensus RatingThe average of analysts recommendations for a single entity. As many brokers have different ratings systems, their recommendations must be standardized so that a consensus ...
Consumer Price Index(CPI) - It is a measure of price changes in consumer goods and services such as gasoline, food, and automobiles. ...
Contingency OrderWhen you place a stock or option order you can choose to place contingencies on that order, meaning that the order will be filled only ...
ContractA unit of trading for a financial or commodity future; the actual bilateral agreement between the buyer and seller of a transaction as defined by ...
Contrarian InvestingA strategy involving making decisions contrary to the prevalent opinion, due to an observation that in the market, the majority is wrong more often than ...
Convertible SecuritiesConvertible securities can be exchanged or converted into common shares. Examples are convertible preferred stock, convertible bonds and the like. Such securities are deemed to be ...
CoverThe purchase of a contract to offset a previously established short position. ...
Covered CallA strategy that involves buying stock shares and selling calls. If the calls are assigned, the investor must relinquish the shares. The covered call can be ...
Covered Call SpreadThe covered call employs a strategy similar to the one used for a short put, counting on statistical long-term gains in the market, with some ...
Covered OptionA position offset by an equal and opposite position in the underlying security. ...
Covered PutA put option position in which the option buyer is also short the corresponding stock or has deposited cash or cash equivalents equal to exercising ...
CPRAn abbreviation for a Closing Price Reversal, a short-term price action. ...
CreditAmount that is added to the trading account when an options trader collects a premium for selling options. ...
Credit SpreadThe difference in value of two options, where the value of the one sold exceeds the value of the one purchased to create a net ...
Current LiabilitiesDebts that must be paid off within a company's operating cycle or within one year, whichever is greater. ...
CUSIPCommittee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures. The committee which supplies a unique nine-character identification, called a CUSIP number, for each class of security approved for ...
Cyclical StocksCyclical stock prices move with the economy. Cyclical stocks often reach their high and low points before the respective peaks and troughs of the economy.When ...

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