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Relative Strength

A ranking of near-term directional price movement.

A technical indicator comparing a security’s price action as

compared to that of an index or another stock.

Additional Comments:

For example, of stock XYZ has a relative strength ranking of 99, its recent upward price movement is stronger than 99 percent of the stocks it is being compared to.

Stocks that have extreme rankings of Relative Strength tend to have momentum--that is, they continue moving in direction they are already trending in.

Related Terms:

Momentum Reversal
A momentum reversal is when the momentum indicator reverses from bullish to bearish or from bearish ...

Momentum Investor
Someone who buys stocks or other securities that have had high returns over the past 3 ...

Swing Trader
An individual who makes short-term trades where a stock’s price movement is in one direction; swing ...

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