Qwoter Investment Advice
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LEAPSLong-Term Equity Anticipation Securities - or LEAPS - are call or put options that can be purchased for extended periods of time, some as much ...
LegOne side or component of a spread. ...
Leg InWhen a trader enters each part of a spread separately instead of entering the trade as one order with his or her broker. Legging into ...
Let OutLegging out of a spread entails the opposite whereby you exit your spread one component part at a time with the intention of completing the ...
LeverageEnables a trader to buy or sell a security or derivative and receive fair value for it using borrowed capital to increase investment return. ...
LiabilityA legal obligation to pay a debt owed. Current liabilities are debts payable within 12 months. Long-term liabilities are debts payable over a period of more ...
Limit OrderAn order to buy a stock at or below a specified price or to sell a stock at or above a specified price. Normally written ...
LiquidationWhen the assets within a portfolio are sold or cashed out. ...
LiquidityThe ease with which an asset can be converted to cash in the marketplace. A large number of buyers and sellers and a high volume of ...
LongBuying an investment security. Traders will go long when they expect the instrument to increase in value. ...
Long CallThe purchase of a call option in anticipation that the underlying asset will rise in price. ...
Long ComboEssentially the same as a long straddle, except that the strike prices are different. ...
Long PositionA position that appreciates in value if market prices increase. When the base currency in the pair is bought, the position is said to be ...
Long PutThe purchase of a put option in anticipation that the underlying asset will decline. ...
Long StockA bullish strategy that involves buying and holding shares of stock. ...
Long StraddleA long straddle is the simultaneous purchase of a put and a call on the same stock, with the same expiration date and the same ...
Long strangleThe purchase of an OTM call and an OTM put with the same expiration date. ...
Loss Comfort Zone"Loss comfort zone” is the percentage of loss you can experience on a single trade and not lose sleep at night. Every investor has a ...

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